Welcome to the Aldrich Market Select website

By completing this registration form, you will activate your Aldrich Market Select account.

Using this account, you will be able to use the website to access the Aldrich Market Select collections of available commercial compounds as part of your lead discovery programs. Your account will allow you to easily select and purchase compounds and building blocks from multiple suppliers in one easy and efficient process.

Login Information

Please select a username that starts with an alphabetic character and has 6-20 total of letters, digits, hyphens and underscores. Note: Usernames are case-insensitive.

Please select a password that has 8-20 of letters, digits, and the following special characters: !#$%^&*()/\-_=+{};:,<> . The password should contain at least one item from each category (letter, digit, special character).

Contact Information

Please provide your contact information to establish your account.

Agreement of Terms

  I hereby agree to the Site Terms of Use and if I purchase any products or services, I agree that the General Terms and Conditions of Sale shall apply to such purchases.