Name Searching can be used to search for a specific product
by industry related identifiers such as Trade Names, MDL Numbers, CAS
Numbers, etc. The data for the name search is provided by participating
suppliers and in some cases Name Searches may return multiple records for
the same item.
It is recommended that Name Searches be verified with the structures that
are returned in the results.
If you have any questions regarding the Name Search tool, please contact us
List Searching can be used to search for specific products
by structure or structure identifier such as SDF, SLN, MDL Numbers,
ChemNavigator Structure ID's or CNC_ID's.
If you have any questions regarding the List Search tool, please contact us
Structures (SDF, SMILES, SLN): When providing a list of
structures, exact match searches will be performed. The results will not
include structures that vary in isotopic substitution, stereochemistry,
charge, and protonation state (salts). If not all structures produce
results, try searching from the main search page utilizing the substructure
MFCDs: Results will display the structure for the MFCD
number (if avialable) and all available sources.
STRUCTURE_IDs: Results will display the structure and all
available sources.
CNC_IDs: Results from these searches will include the
unique Structure ID and all sources available.
The Product Filters and Service Requirements options can be
used to set additional preferences before your search begins.
If you have any questions regarding these features, please contact us at
Quantity: You may provide a target quantity for the
products of interest. The search results will highlight products that fit
your search criteria.
no less than: this field allows you to set a lower limit
for your target quantity. (i.e. You would like 20mg, but will accept
quantities as low as 10mg for your project).
Unit of Measure: this selection is limited to mg and g
units at this time.
MW range: You can define upper and lower limits for your
search by molecular weight values.
cLogP range: You can define upper and lower limits for
your search by hydrophilicity.
Limit search to in-stock AldrichCPR products:
This option allows the system to search for and highlight selections based
upon product availability in the ~50K product inventory of
Auto select products into a shopping cart: Primarily as a
time saving feature, this option allows the system to select highlighted
pre-priced products (based upon your target quantity, MW and cLogP
requirements) directly into a shopping cart. These selections are biased by
best price for the target qty requested.
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